The Gospel!

The Gospel is timeless and is still impacting people around the world today! It’s simple message of love is one that resonates with the hardest of hearts.  Here in the Marshall Islands the Gospel is still being preached in it’s fullness to the lost who need Jesus!  When the Jesus film came here in Marshallese I was reminded at just how simple the Gospel is!  So many around the world have tried to dress it up.  Churches are continually trying to bring more people in by building bigger buildings and adding more technology!

It is not flashy technology that brings people to Jesus it is the personal touch of the Gospel.  That personal touch is delivered by you and I!  We have become too reliant on media, reactionary witnessing and the silent witness in the body of Christ!  Jesus never told us to sit around, advertise and wait on them to come in!  Nope He did not!  As a matter of fact He said, GO!

Matthew 28:19: ¶Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Matthew 28:20: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

We need to stop making excuses about why we can not share the Gospel and just do it!  As I am writing this people are dying without Jesus!  The message of Jesus is simple and can change the lives of the hurting and lost!  All it takes is you and I to take the message to the world.  People are hungry and looking for answers!  You have the answer that they need!  Go today and share the Gospel with the lost!  You can do it!

Running with the Vision,
Brother Steve

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